Residential Life
COSMOS offers a distinct opportunity to develop skills for success in a college-like residential learning community. COSMOS at UCSC provides students with a residential life experience that introduces them to the college culture. While residing in a UCSC student dorm, students are introduced to the resources, classrooms, and laboratories of the University of California. They also have access to university services, including libraries, computer labs, and recreational and cultural facilities. Living on campus allows COSMOS students to meet, work, and socialize with like-minded peers who share their enthusiasm for mathematics and science. Becoming an active participant in the COSMOS learning community enables students to break their intellectual isolation and be challenged in a positive and nurturing environment

Residence hall food is served cafeteria-style, three times a day with a wide selection of food including fresh fruit, an array of salads, and several choices for entree, daily soups, and sandwich bar. Vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options are available at every meal. Reasonable accommodations may be made for other special dietary needs.

Residential advisors (RAs) organize and help conduct activities each week. COSMOS offers a variety of fun activities, such as team sports (basketball, volleyball, soccer), social events (dance lessons, karaoke and movie night), and special events. In addition, there will be weekend trips to local sites of interest.Weekends
Over the weekend students will have ample opportunities for social and recreational activities. There will also be time for laundry, sleeping and phone calls home! Weekend field trips to the beach and the Boardwalk are woven in to the schedule.
Students have the option of being signed out of the program by a parent or guardian on Friday evening from 4-6:30pm. If signed out, students have two options for returning: 1. Friday night in the 9-10pm timeframe or 2. Sunday evening in the 5-6:30pm timeframe.