What about COVID-19?
COSMOS is committed to upholding the highest safety standards for our students and staff. We continue to follow guidance from the University as well as federal, state and county governing agencies, in order to implement a thorough COVID-19 safety plan to limit the risk of positive cases during our program. We expect our students and families to support a safe and healthy learning environment by following the guidelines.

Vaccination and Testing
An up-to-date Covid-19 vaccine (primary series and recent booster) are required of COSMOS participants, as are other vaccines in accordance with expectations put on residential students at UC Santa Cruz. More details regarding all immunizations is given to admitted students through their COSMOS acceptance packet which includes health forms.
All COSMOS students must take an at-home test within 48 hours or less before arrival and have a negative result. If a student tests positive, they should remain at home (and begin with virtual participation in the program) until a negative test result is acquired.
If a student develops symptoms while on campus, they will take an at-home test. If the result is positive, the student will temporarily isolate until they are picked up to go home. If the result is negative, the student will be asked to wear a mask while experiencing symptoms and test again the following day.
Mask Requirements
The status of mask wearing on campus is:
Masks are not required for most indoor settings at UC Santa Cruz facilities, but their use is still strongly recommended.
12-hour Pick Up Policy
Parents, guardians or an emergency contact must be available to pick the student up from the UC Santa Cruz campus in the event that a COSMOS student tests positive for COVID-19 during the program.